Roads programme in turmoil!
Roads programme in turmoil! Transport Action Network (TAN) [1] has welcomed the statement by Mark Harper (Secretary of State for Transport) that several road schemes in the second roads programme (RIS2) will be further delayed [2]. They are: Lower Thames Crossing - construction delayed by two years [3] A27 Arundel...
Sustainable travel: England must adopt similar traffic reduction target as other nations
New Civil Engineer: Sustainable travel experts believe England must adopt a similar traffic reduction target as other UK nations Sustainable travel experts have argued that England needs to adopt a traffic reduction target as seen in Scotland and Wales instead of continuing to build more roads. At a Transport Select...
Why England urgently needs a roads reset
We gave evidence at the House of Commons’ Transport Committee’s inquiry into strategic road investment on Wednesday 1st March, talking about why England urgently needs a roads reset. The current situation National Highways and the Department for Transport (DfT) are preparing another round of funding for motorways and trunk roads...
What is the potential impact of the NIC’s infrastructure planning review?
New Civil Engineer: What is the potential impact of the NIC’s infrastructure planning review? Earlier this month it was revealed that the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) has been asked by the government to provide recommendations on the infrastructure planning system and in particular the role of National Policy Statements (NPS)....
Wales leads world on tackling transport carbon
Lee Waters, Deputy Minister for Climate Change, announced on Valentine’s Day that the Welsh Government will curtail harmful and unnecessarily expensive road schemes. This represents a landmark turning point in tackling climate change. The Welsh Government is clear that it will still build roads; just not in the traditional traffic...
WG places climate at heart of decisions on roadbuilding
Welsh Government places climate at heart of future road investment TAN Cymru [1] welcomes today's announcement by the Welsh Government to radically change the way it views future road investment. It places the climate and ecological emergency, alongside the need to reform the way we work, live and travel, at...
WG landmark decision on roadbuilding
Welsh landmark decision on future road investment TAN [1] has welcomed the Welsh Government's announcement today to radically change the way it makes future road investment. It places the climate and ecological emergency at the heart of decision making on infrastructure spending [2], a first for any of the home...
Case Study: Nottingham Workplace Parking Levy
How it has reduced congestion in the city In 2012, Nottingham took the unprecedented step to introduce a Workplace Parking Levy (WPL). Covering the whole City Council administrative area, the levy was the first of its kind in Europe. A Workplace Parking Levy is a charge on employers who provide...
Greenwashing of roads ramps up ahead of budget
Greenwashing of roads ramps up ahead of budget Transport Action Network [1] believes that the Government's announcement of £30 million for projects to reduce road construction emissions [2] is a distraction from the Government's failure to stop making things worse by building more roads. While all efforts to reduce carbon...
30 years of roads campaigning
On the 23rd January, 1993, with John Major as Prime Minister and ‘Innuendo’ by Queen at number 1 in the charts, community groups came together at the first national anti-roads conference in the UK. Organised by ALARM UK, groups opposing road schemes met in Birmingham to build opposition and support...
Review calls for reassessment of road schemes
Review calls for reassessment of road schemes A group of senior academics [1] has today published a report [2] on the future of road building in England. It has called for all road projects not in construction to be reappraised to ensure that they meet broader policy aims and in...
UK rail chaos increases demand for cars
FT: UK rail chaos increases demand for cars More than half of prospective car buyers in the UK said they were considering purchasing a private vehicle because of increasingly unreliable public transport, according Auto Trader. The findings by the online car marketplace, based on its most recent twice yearly survey...
Why We Are Challenging the A428 Road Scheme
Transport Action Network director Chris Todd spoke with Babs Michel on BBC Three Counties Radio about the £1bn A428 road scheme and why we submitted an application to the High Court for permission for a judicial review. An extract of the interview is below. Support our campaign to stop the...
Budget cuts delay roads review
Budget cuts delay roads review As a result of the UK Chancellor's recent autumn statement, the Welsh Government's capital budgets will be reduced by nearly 10% in the coming years. This will directly impact on the decisions the Welsh Government is able to make, including on transport. In 2021 Deputy...
Personal incomes sacrificed to enable climate busting vanity road schemes to continue
Personal incomes sacrificed to enable climate busting vanity road schemes to continue Campaigners today criticised the Chancellor for failing to take the opportunity to save billions of pounds in tax rises by scrapping, white elephant road schemes. His decision to continue supporting carbon intensive infrastructure during a climate emergency and...
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