

The Scottish Government is responsible for transport policy within its borders but it does not have control over Network Rail which is controlled by the UK Government. This makes it harder for the devolved administration to develop a truly sustainable transport policy.

Scotland has set an ambitious target to reduce car miles by 20% by 2030 on 2019 levels. However, unlike Wales it is not reviewing its road building and is yet to set out a clear and credible pathway to reducing traffic and carbon emissions. It's 20 year Transport Strategy was adopted in February 2020. Its four priorities are that it:

  • Reduces inequalities
  • Takes climate action
  • Helps deliver inclusive economic growth
  • Improves our health and well-being

In September 2021, a report commissioned by Transport Scotland (the Government body responsible for transport in Scotland) was published highlighting the challenge Scotland faces to reduce carbon emissions from transport quickly enough.

Prior to this, Transform Scotland, an alliance of non-governmental organisations that campaign for sustainable transport, published a report: Roads to Ruin: Time for climate-responsible transport investment in Scotland challenging the continued spending on road building and little action on delivering on the traffic reduction target.

Unlike in Wales, TAN does not have a presence in Scotland, and while we are always happy to help where we can, we advise anyone seeking help or wanting to raise an issue to contact Transform Scotland in the first instance.

Photo credit: Fotokon /
