Running a campaign can require a lot of resource, mostly time, but there are occasions when some funding can really help make a difference to your campaign, whether it's paying for hall hire, leaflet or banner printing, website support, train fares, etc.
The following are sources of funding (focussed on transport or campaigning) for materials and activities, but not usually for staff time or professional or legal advice:
- Environmental Funders Network - Rapid Response Fund - to seize unexpected opportunities or respond to unanticipated crises with a potentially significant environmental outcome
- Foundation for Integrated Transport - Small grants up to £2,000 for grassroots transport campaigns
- Foundation for Integrated Transport - Larger grants for campaigns tackling car dominance
- Patagonia - Grant range is from $5,000 - $15,000 (approx £4,000 - £12,000 at current exchange rates) Strong supporter of grassroots action. If you are near their stores in Bristol or Manchester you can also get other help with your campaign - go in and see them.
- Roadblock - gives small grants to groups fighting road schemes (staff posts and professional advice are not supported) - contact us at Transport Action Network for information about this funding
Mid-Counties Cooperative Campaigns Fund - funds campaigning activities both within its core area (Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire, Buckinghamshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, the West Midlands, Wiltshire and Worcestershire) and wider as some aspects of its business are national.
Note: it is worth checking out what local funding opportunities exist too. Sometimes community funds are established by major developers, such as for wind farms, although the funding can be restricted to running promotional projects rather than campaigns. Nevertheless it's worth considering applying to them if promoting public transport, active travel, or behaviour change are an important aspect of your work.