Western Gateway

Area covered

Bath and North East Somerset, BCP Council (Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole), Bristol, Dorset, Gloucestershire, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire and Wiltshire. Now also includes Swindon (overlaps with England's Economic Heartland).


All the local highways authorities, West of England Combined Authority, Network Rail, Highways England, DfT

Lead / hosting authority

Gloucestershire County Council

Statutory Status

Shadow body

Transport Strategy

Our response to its consultation 'Making the right choices' to inform the development of its longer term transport strategy up to 2050. Consultation ran from 19 April - 19 May 2023.

Short term Transport Strategy: draft consulted upon (2020 - 2025) - our response can be found here.

More information about Western Gateway can be found on this website.

Other documents

Making the case for rural investment (June 2023) - joint report with other Sub-national Transport Bodies (STBs)

South West Rural Mobility Strategy (March 2022) - jointly strategy with Peninsula Transport
