While Transport Action Network was disappointed to see the Chancellor supporting the Lower Thames Crossing (LTC) today, it is far from a done deal. Private finance has not been secured and the planning application is yet to be approved.

The Lower Thames Crossing is the worst possible solution to solving congestion at Dartford, kickstarting growth, meeting Net Zero commitments or supporting the wider UK economy. Exploring options for privately financing the LTC does nothing to address its fundamental flaws: generating ever more traffic and harmful emissions, devastating the market for international rail freight and damaging the competitiveness of our seaports north of the Thames.

In the unlikely event that private investors can be found, they will require costly guarantees from taxpayers. With tolls at Dartford and the LTC set to be equalised, they will inevitably rise even higher to pay back investors.

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Notes for Editors

[1] See press release issued yesterday for more details on the concerns about the Lower Thames Crossing.


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