Radical reform of Welsh bus services
Photo: / Ceri Breeze Three quarters of all public transport journeys in Wales are made by bus and approximately 80% of bus users do not have access to a car. This highlights the importance of the bus in providing choice and opportunities for everyone. Yet, bus service availability has...
Speak to your candidates about a better future
The local elections on the 5th May are an excellent opportunity to show candidates how important safer streets, cleaner air and better public transport are to you. They will be keen to hear your views, and if enough people tell them that sustainable transport is a priority, they will be...
Spring Statement: It could have been worse
(but it could have been so much better) The Spring Statement (or mini-budget) announced by Rishi Sunak contained few surprises in the end as he struck a cautious note on Government finances. The predicted 5p cut in fuel duty was announced to great fanfare but in reality will make little...
Rethinking ‘Smart’ Motorways
After years of relentless campaigning by Smart Motorways Kill and bereaved families, the Government has finally postponed the rollout of some new ‘Smart’ Motorways whilst 5-years of safety data is gathered. This pause gives the Government the opportunity to fix failings in the planning process that have allowed Smart Motorways...
TAN statement on Smart Motorways announcement
TAN statement on Smart Motorways announcement Scrap Smart Motorways to prevent climate change Transport Action Network welcomes today's announcement that another three Smart Motorway schemes have been paused by the Government (the M3 Junction 9-14 scheme was already paused in November 2021). However the ten-mile M6 Junction 21a - 26...
Cut fares not services!
Over the last decade, the Government has reduced fuel duty year on year so that motoring costs have fallen in real terms, even with recent fuel price rises. In comparison, it has raised rail fares above inflation for nearly every year since 2010. Meanwhile, the increase in traffic caused by...
Ministers undermine own pledge to cut emissions
UK ministers undermine own pledge to cut emissions UK ministers sought advice to protect road-building, day before net zeRo transport plan Secret briefings revealed as part of a High Court challenge [1] against England's £100bn roads programme [2] undermine UK pledges to cut emissions, say campaigners. The documents show that...
The “carbon neutral roads” con
The controversies surrounding carbon-offsetting are likely to be a big feature of the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow. Governments are desperately looking for ways to carry on increasing emissions with a ‘business as usual’ approach, whilst pretending this can be ‘balanced out’ elsewhere with offsetting schemes. The same tricks are...
Tell Rishi Sunak to stop funding RIS2
The £27 billion RIS2 roads programme is under pressure like never before. With your help we can give it a big nudge to push it over the edge. The Treasury is asking for your views on priorities for the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR), which will set out Government spending for the...
Time to stop dancing around decarbonisation
“Time to stop dancing around decarbonisation” Department for Transport told Campaigners fresh from a legal battle with the Department for Transport say that its Transport Decarbonisation Plan cannot be credible, unless it abandons the roads programme. The much delayed Plan is rumoured to be published this Wednesday 14th July, coinciding...
Who will prioritise climate change?
TAN is shocked the High Court has ruled that it was lawful for the transport secretary, Grant Shapps, not to consider the impacts on climate change when he approved the £27 billion Road Investment Strategy (RIS2) roads programme . When our case was heard at the High Court in June,...
Court protects stability of roads programme over climate
Court protects stability of roads programme over climate Transport Action Network is shocked by today’s High Court ruling that the Secretary of State for Transport did not need to provide evidence to show he had considered the impact of the “largest ever” roads programme on climate targets [1]. In March...
High Court to rule on net zero scrutiny of ministers
High Court to rule on net zero scrutiny of ministers FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Mr Justice Holgate will give judgment at 2pm on Monday 26th July on Transport Action Network’s (TAN) judicial review of the Secretary of State for Transport’s decision to approve the “largest ever” roads programme. Published in March...
Step forward as DfT agrees roads policy review
The Department for Transport has partially backed down in the face of our second legal challenge, agreeing to review its outdated roads policy which dismisses climate change (BUT see UPDATE below). Buried in the DfT’s Transport Decarbonisation Plan was a concession to review the National Policy Statement for National Networks...
Road to climate chaos
Last week the Department for Transport’s (DfT) £27 billion RIS2 roads programme of 50 new road schemes and ‘Smart’ Motorways was in the dock at the High Court as our case against this profligate waste of money and highly damaging proposal was finally heard. Our legal team argued it was...
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