TAN statement on the Second National Infrastructure Assessment

Reacting to the publication of the Second National Infrastructure Assessment today [1], Transport Action Network’s roads and climate campaigner, Rebecca Lush, said:

“The report says many good things about investing in public transport and active travel to improve productivity. Also the need to reduce car use in city centres, but perversely then goes on to promote more road building. This will swamp our towns and cities with even more traffic, choking economic success.

“Nowhere does the National Infrastructure Commission acknowledge the need to reduce traffic to meet net-zero, or the benefits of getting freight onto rail.

“Spending on roads will undermine investment in public transport and our ability to tackle social exclusion. These are major flaws within this report.”

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Notes to Editors

[1] The National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) published its second National Infrastructure Assessment (NIA) today. Recommendation 22 calls for a thirty year pipeline of new interurban road schemes


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