Please object to the climate and nature busting A66 Northern Trans-Pennine. Consultation ends 11.59pm on Saturday 6 November 2021. This huge project is actually EIGHT separate schemes, all bundled together. This could be our last chance to object to the scheme before the formal planning process begins next year.
The huge number of consultation documents are here, but please use any of the below bullet points in your consultation response. Email your objection to
- A six week consultation for such a complicated project made up of 8 separate schemes is far too short. More time should be given for people to fully understand the impacts and to feed back their views.
The project would:
- Increase carbon dioxide emission by up to 4.4 million tonnes from extra traffic (3 million tonnes) and the construction process (1.4 million tonnes). This is completely unacceptable in a climate emergency, and takes us further away from reaching our 68% cut by 2030 required under the Paris Agreement.
- Have a devastating impact on wildlife already under threat including red squirrels, otters, bats, water voles, polecat, brown hare, hedgehog and roe deer.
- Impact on internationally important bird species such as lapwing, curlew, oystercatcher, snipe, redshank, pinkfooted goose, whooper swan, woodcock, redwing, fieldfare, black redstart, kingfisher, golden plover, and barn owl.
- Impact on two Special Areas of Conservation (SAC): the River Eden and Tributaries SAC and the Pennine Moors SAC (which is also a Special Protection Area), These have the highest level of protection afforded to habitats in the UK. The River Eden is also a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
- Harm the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)
- Increase noise and air pollution
- Increase severance for people walking and cycling, sending them on long detours or complicated and awkward crossings
- Impact on heritage assets including Brough Castle, Eden Valley Railway and Rokeby Park a Grade II* Registered Park & Garden
Email your comments to
Our consultation response is here