Please register to object to the climate and nature busting A12 Chelmsford - A120 road scheme in Essex. You will be registering your objection at the forthcoming planning examination. If you register your objection, you do not have to speak or submit evidence to the examination, but it helps to show the planning inspectors that there is opposition to damaging road schemes. The registration period ends at 11.59pm on Friday 4 November 2022.
You only get a maximum of 500 words to summarise your objection, but please use any of the below bullet points.
The scheme would:
- Increase carbon emissions by almost two million extra tonnes. The construction emissions are 428,626 tCO2e (Table 15-21 of the Environmental Statement) all within the critical fourth carbon budget, taking us further away from reaching our 68% cut by 2030 required under the Paris Agreement. The extra traffic over the 60-year lifetime of the scheme would cause an extra 1,535,559 tCO2e (Table 15-22). So the total extra carbon emissions caused by this scheme are 1,964,185 tonnes, making it harder for us to reduce emissions fast enough in a climate emergency.
- Have a devastating impact on wildlife already under threat including bats, badgers, otters, brown hare, hedgehogs, barn owls, breeding and wintering birds, common reptiles, great crested newts, fish and other water-living animals
- Destroy 45 hectares of woodland, potential veteran trees, 16km of hedgerows, and impact on nature reserves
- Not be good value for money, costing £1.2 billion while delivering few economic benefits overall
- Lead to the loss of 473 hectares of arable farmland, threatening our food security
- Increase noise and air pollution
- Increase severance for people walking and cycling, sending them on long detours or complicated and awkward crossings
- Impact on heritage assets including grade I listed Boreham House and grade I listed Parish Church of All Saints, two grade II* and nine grade II listed buildings
Register now, to tell the planning inspectors to reject this damaging road scheme.