Please object to the A46 Newark Bypass at the statutory consultation.

The scheme would:

  • Increase carbon emissions. The construction emissions alone are 254,536 tonnes CO2e, all within the critical fourth carbon budget, taking us further away from reaching our 68% cut by 2030 required under the Paris Agreement. The extra traffic the road will generate would make things worse. In the opening year alone it would increase emissions by an extra 10,350 tCO2e, making it harder for us to reduce emissions fast enough in a climate emergency.
  • increase air and noise pollution, especially in the village of Winthorpe
  • have a massive adverse visual impact with a 8 metre high flyover at the town's cattle market, right by people's homes. The A1 flyover would be 10.9 metres high and would impact on the setting of this historic town. At Winthorpe there would be ten lanes of traffic by the village
  • have a huge impact on landscape character where the scheme crosses a rural landscape. Huge borrow pits for flood mitigation outside the route would also have a large impact on the rural landscape.
  • lead to permanent habitat loss and fragmentation at two wildlife sites, and the loss of veteran trees. 

All information about the consultation is on the National Highways consultation page. Please use any of the information above in your response, and please add your own information and objections.

Send all responses to: by 11:59pm on Monday 12 December.
