This massive, nature-trashing, climate-busting road scheme is now about to enter a public Examination of its DCO planning application. Please register to OBJECT to this huge project, which is actually EIGHT separate schemes over 50 miles, all bundled together. By registering your objection, you do not have to speak or submit evidence to the Examination (unless you want to). You are simply registering that you do not agree with spending over £2 billion of public money on taking us backwards on climate change and destroying precious habitats and landscapes.

You only get a maximum of 500 words for your registration (and you can write much less if you wish). You can use any of the below in your "relevant representation". Please write it in your own words. Deadline 11.59pm on Sunday 4 September 2022. 

The project would:

  • increase traffic growth and carbon emissions by 2,190,452 tonnes over its lifetime;
  • increase emissions from its construction by at least an additional 518,562 tonnes, all within the critical fourth carbon budget when we need to achieve 68% reductions in UK carbon emissions by 2030 under our legally binding commitments under the Paris Agreement;
  • in total, increase emissions by 2,709,014 tonnes, which is completely unacceptable in a climate emergency;
  • directly impact on the River Eden Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), and the Pennine Moors SAC (which is also a Special Protection Area), and the habitats of many endangered species (including red squirrels, otters, bats, water voles, polecat, brown hare, hedgehog and roe deer, and internationally important bird species such as lapwing, curlew, oystercatcher, snipe, redshank, pinkfooted goose, whooper swan, woodcock, redwing, fieldfare, black redstart, kingfisher, golden plover, and barn owl.
  • directly impact on the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and its setting;
  • increase air pollution and noise pollution which will have direct and indirect impacts on humans, the AONB, SACs, SSSI and species, and the Yorkshire Dales National Park;
  • increase severance of local communities and the rights of way network.

Register on the Planning Inspectorate website by 11.59pm on 4 September 2022
