Improving safety on the A66 - faster, cheaper (February 2025)
Lower Thames Crossing Briefing (January 2025)
Connecting South West England: in pace of A303/A358 widening - Executive Summary (January 2025)
Connecting South West England: in pace of A303/A358 widening - Full report (January 2025)
Letter of complaint to ORR regarding National Highways and Lower Thames Crossing (30 September 2024)
Lower Thames Crossing a report by Dr Colin Black (September 2024)
Cancel New Roads to Boost Growth (September 2024)
A layman's guide to transport modelling practice in England (June 2024)
NNNPS Parliamentary briefing (March 2024)
Letter to National Audit Office about lack of governance for National Highways' road schemes (December 2023)
Letter to David Fairbrother, Treasury Officer of Accounts about Accounting Officer Assessments for major road schemes (January 2023)
Letter to Mark Harper suggesting he scrap new roads to safeguard public transport (December 2022)
Letter to Mark Harper re A428 BCR (December 2022)
Letter to Jeremy Hunt suggesting he scrap new roads to help plug the budget deficit (October 2022)
Letter to Grant Shapps asking him to re-open RIS2 (February 2022)
Briefing: Stop the climate-wrecking Silvertown Tunnel (October 2021) - (published jointly with others)
Joint letter to Sadiq Khan and Grant Shapps about the Silvertown Tunnel (April 2021) - (published jointly with others)
Hammersmith Bridge Open Letter (August 2020) - (published jointly with others)
Stop Digging Report (June 2020) - (Silvertown Tunnel - published jointly with others)
Letter to Grant Shapps about roads (RIS2 & NNNPS) (March 2020)
A Climate Emergency Plan for Transport - A Guide to Local Authority Action (March 2020)
Flowchart showing planning timetable for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects